The fall is coming? The cold is approaching? The school year is about to start? This is a perfect moment for the Romanian authorities to evacuated tens of poor people, with little children and elders among them. They use to live, for years, in improvised homes, as they had nothing else.
Our beneficiaries from Ferentari neighborhood got, out out of nowhere, a visit from the authorities. They weren’t coming to evaluate the situation, to provide a better housing situation, but… to forcefully evict them, in 72 hours, creating a humanitarian disaster!
”Where shall we go?”, our people asked.
”We don’t know”, is the answer of those with truncheons and black military suits.
”What can we do with the children? School starts, the it’s going to be cold outside, soon!”
”None of our bussines. You voted Vanghelie (the former mayor). Why? We don’t like his people”.
We never imagined that this could be just a political vendetta… But it seems it’s nothing less than that
The people are scared and resentful. They told us how agresive the people representing the low are, and that they alredy savagely beat an old fellow. Their only alternative is to find a new place. Where? In the city centre? This is already Ferentari, the poorest ghetto. Or they can move and act desperately to protect their lifes, something nobody wants.
Wake up, Romania! Shall we educate them? Shall we help them? Or we should hunt them as wild animals? Do you think they will disappear overnight? Or it’s more likely that they will learn they need to protect from us?
Hope Rescue Centre comes with a cheap yet functional solution: a land from the City Hall, where we can place metal construction containers – converted in living space. Quick, efficient, clean and discreet.